2024-2025 Team
This team will begin development of a hybrid rocket.
Team Members
Team Lead - Brennan Purcell
Structures Team Lead - Dakota Buckner
Structures Engineers - Kendall Green, Joshua King, Sean Reisinger
GNC Team Lead - Ethan Ellingson
GNC Engineers - Ezra Lamereaoux, Eli Gaskin, Conner Crutchfield
Payload Team Lead - Ryan Day
Payload Engineers - Austin McGlashan, Michael Keyes, James Wade
The Experimental High-Power Team (EHPT) is a competition team similar to the High-Power Team that competes in the Spaceport America Cup. The rocket is aimed at achieving an apogee of 10,000ft, holding a 4kg payload, just like the HPT does for the Spaceport America Cup. The EHPT provides students with experience with high-power rockets and aerospace industry practices through hands-on design and manufacturing and allows the club to experiment with innovative techniques or manufacturing processes. The goal is for members of this team to be well seasoned and fully prepared to compete at Spaceport America in the High-Power Team. Until 2024, this team was called the Junior High-Power Team.
Team Structure
- Team Lead (1)
- Responsible for leading team to meet project vision and goals
- Receives recommendations and requirements from club presidency, SA Cup
- Organizes team and directs work
- Helps coordinate design decisions affecting multiple sub-teams
- Structures Sub-Team (3)
- Structures Lead (1)
- Structures Support Engineers (2)
- Tasked with the physical structure of the rocket
- Guidance, Navigation, Control (GNC) Sub-Team (3)
- GNC Lead (1)
- GNC Support Engineers (2)
- Tasked with data collection and recovery systems of the rocket
- Payload Team (3)
- Payload Lead (1)
- Payload Support Engineers (2)
- Tasked with designing and constructing the payload of the rocket
For more detailed information and documentation for this team please refer to the MEPS handbook
If you'd like to apply to the team:
Applications open in July each year.
- Must have or be pursuing a Level 1 Certification with either NAR or Tripoli.
- Must be able to dedicate 4-6 hours a week during the fall and winter semesters to the team.
2024 - "Horizon"
Team Members
*pictured but not members of JHPT

2023 - "H.A.W.T. Wings"
Team Members
David Andelin (Capstone)*, Riley Brown (Club VP)*, Zac Lyman (GNC Engineer), Wyatt Whitmer (GNC Lead), Casey Gooch (Payload Lead), Nik Mohsen-Crellin (Payload Engineer), Tyson Butterfield (Team Lead), Jacob Rolfs (GNC Engineer), Haylee Sevy (Structures Lead), Max Coverston (Structures Engineer), Jonathon Davis (Payload Engineer), Courtney Payne (Structures Engineer)
*pictured but not members of JHPT
2022 - "Moab"
Team Members

2021 - "Cosmonaut"
Team Members
Greg Hill (GNC), Brennen Dover (Structures Lead), Brandon Sutherland (Payload), Dunstan Chi (Payload), Brayden Smith (GNC), Derrick Walker (GNC Lead), Josh Halliday (Structures), Jayson Davis (Structures), Dallin Cordon (Team Lead)